My Diet Story

Khansa S. S. (Kei)
3 min readJan 14, 2021

It was around a month after my mid-term exam. I was in a state of deep demotivation and didn’t feel like doing anything (re: the state when I mostly spend my time on YouTube). So that day I was scrolling down the YouTube recommendation page until I saw this Korean YouTuber’s diet diary video. Without a lot of thoughts, I clicked on that video (Oh, and yeah, I was literally watching everything that popped out on my screen). the Korean girl got a quite significant transformation and she was telling her workout routine in that video. The thing that captured my attention, was that her workout routine was a set of short videos that adds up to a full course of a full-body workout. Well, in my case, I never stick with a workout routine since they’re mostly a long-ass 20–30 minutes video and my body can’t work that out. Long story short, after that day, I was reading a book and in one of its chapters, it says,

“If you are demotivated or feel like doing anything, try to do some stretching. Change your posture, turn your neck, and straighten your waist. You don’t have to do a full workout, just close this book and move your body.”.

So that’s what I did. I looked up the video again and tried to follow some of those short videos on her routine. After that, I felt this kind of sense of accomplishment and did some other videos until an hour passed. I found myself doing an hour of a workout routine. My body felt good and I can sort of distract my mind from whatever that’s disturbing me at that time. After that, I decided that I’m gonna get back on my knees, get motivated, and get fit. And I added a twist to my workout routine. The twist was to write a workout diary and, if I could stick to this workout routine for a month, I would buy myself the book I’ve been wanting to buy since last year. Since I decided to get fit, I also took care of my eating habit, control my eating portion, and drink a LOT of water. After 3 weeks of doing workouts and a healthy diet, I managed to lose 3–4 kilos (I still go back and forward between 50 and 51kg) and I also got rid of my back pains, so that’s a bonus :). After doing this for a while, it’s kind of becoming a habit where it’s harder to not do the routine compare to actually doing it. So, that’s about my diet story, I’m still planning on losing a couple more pounds, but the important thing here is how good I feel about looking myself in the mirror (still working on this) and actually get fit rather than forcing myself to get an extreme transformation. Anyways, feel free to ask if you have any questions, stay healthy everyone :).

